New vehicle in US would have ” Advanced Impaired Driving Prevention Technology” before coming Autonomous driving era?
NHTSA who is one of organization DOT in US opend gathering comment from public , car industries, Tier 1 conmpanies, sensing technology companies and on-vehicle equipment companies etc..
This public comment was coming from that famous “The infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act”
This act directed to NHTSA that Budget for safety should be increased strongly!
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Bipartisan Infrastructure Law or BIL) directs NHTSA to issue a final rule establishing a Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) that requires new passenger vehicles to have ‘advanced drunk and impaired driving prevention technology’’ by 2024.2The BIL also provides that an FMVSS should be issued only if it meets the requirements of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act. (‘‘Safety Act’’). BIL defines the relevant technology as technology that can passively3and accurately monitor driver performance to detect impairment or passively and accurately measure driver blood alcohol concentration (BAC) (or both in combination) and prevent or limit vehicle operation if impairment is detected.
Propotion of DUI death in all fatalities is 30% in US. Over 13000 people died every year . That is really terrible!
In US , Alcohol Ignition interlock device is known as major Prevention DUI tool. But in spite of that ignition interlock program had been introducing in most states, reduction had not been achieved.
And otherwise alternative way of reduction DUI death had been researched and developped as ” DADSS” but those technologies were not fully realized.

Who will put comment ? What will be submitted?
This rule making seems to be quite difficult, because traditional technology “Active breat sampling like using mouthpiece known as Breatalyzer was excluded and ” Passive” way with perfect actually is actually required.
- I. Executive Summary
- II. Introduction
A. Background Information About Impaired Driving States
B. Many Different Behavioral Strategies Exist, Yet Impaired Driving Persists
C. NHTSA’s Authority - III. Advanced Drunk and Impaired Driving Prevention Safety Problem
A. Drunk Driving
B. Distracted Driving
C. Drowsy Driving - IV. Overview of Current Efforts To Address Drunk and Impaired Driving
A. State and Federal Behavioral Prevention Activities
1. Deterrence
2. Prevention
3. Communications Campaigns
4. Alcohol and Drug Treatment, Monitoring, and Control
B. Vehicle-Based Countermeasures
1. Summary of Research on Vehicle-Based Countermeasures
2. Passive Detection Methods and Available Technologies
3. Proposed Vehicle Interventions Once Driver Impairment or BAC Is Detected - V. Summary of Other Efforts Related to Impaired Driving VI. Privacy and Security
- VII. Consumer Acceptance
- VIII. General Questions for the Public
- IX. Rulemaking Analyses and Notices
A. Executive Order 12866, Executive Order 13563, Executive Order 14094, and DOT Regulatory
Policies and Procedures
B. Privacy Act C. Regulation Identifier Number (RIN)
Car manufacturer can mount this function(prevent DUI) to new passenger vehicle sold in US after 202X???
Toyota will do comment?? Nissan will also? Tesla will put comment??