What comes to you when you hear “SDGs”?
Business person”s who are putting badge on their suit?
Or we can find “SDGs”on the web A lot of Corporate visions which presents their business value and future .
And mostly SDGs which is relevant context is ” Environment ” ?
However when we look to each sustainable development goals from view of ” Traffic safety or Alcohol related problem which this site “Transport Safety Journal” everyday picks up.
Target 3 and Alcohol
Yes, this web site actually had been put focus on ” Alcohol ” , ” Traffic Safety” , because these issues are global, local ,and important theme for peoples” daily life, recently it might be said kind of “well-being”.

Target 3 includes some items. Alcohol use and traffic accidents are one of serious issues.
3.5 Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol.
Alcohol abuse and Drug abuse are globaly spreading , we in Japan are really facing abuse of alcohol .
In our country Japan , Basic Act on Countermeasures Against Alcohol-Related Health Harm” had put on effect in 2014.
Target 3 and Road Traffic Safety
3.6 By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents.
For this global agenda , our government has been updating The 11th Traffic Safety Basic plan
We can find result and progress of Death and injures of Traffic accidents every year from annual White Paper for traffic safety .
How is going on Commercial Transport sector ?
MLIT has proceeding “ Total Safety plan on Commercial vehicle for 2025 ”
We can make sure result and progress of this safety plan on this meeting
This plan is also conducting “halve number of death and injured from traffic accident in road transport sector” same as basic plan made by central cabinet and goverment.
Member countries’s progress are seen in this page.
Hey , Japan! How is your Score?
How is going on ? SDGs indicator of Japan is seen in
Ranking is now totaly 21!

I have a suggestion to Japanese goverment for getting more significant achievement in SDGs 3 (traffic accidents death and injured) .
If govenment and cabinet office decide to introduce “Automatic Tenko program in 安全運転管理者制度(白ナンバー)” which MLIT already have been started in Land transport sector like bus ,taxi,truck(緑ナンバー)in Next 12th Traffic safety basic plan, SDGs 3.6 death and injured from traffic accidents might be halve much , much sooner than expected !

SDGs of Japan ,also refer from