How much money are US Truck drivers getting salaly? It looks unique suevery ! for us.
ATA(American truck Association) announced topics ” salaly survey ” as below.
I can see a kind of wage survey study.
ATA has been doing unique survey regarding Truck drivers’ salaly in US.
ATA is doing this survery maybe originally, not by U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS
Unique point is that Drivers answer directly o this survey not through individual company.
We can see answer format for this survey.
On the header , they are saying participants can get information like Largest driver pay so on.
“Thank you for participating in the American Trucking Associations’ 2024 Driver Compensation Survey. The purpose of this study is to provide accurate information on one of the trucking industry’s largest expenses—driver pay. The data you provide will be held in strict confidentiality. No individual company’s data will be released. All data will be aggregated by operations type so no individual carrier will be identifiable. Non-disclosure agreements are available for download .
Now we can get many kind of “Voices” from SNS! But sometimes those might be “Fake” or just Complaining to employer with indivisual trouble.
This survey would be fair for each other to employer and employee , because participant would comply right answer based on 100$ fee.
We would have complete report on this summer !
Otherwise, in Japan, we can only obtain a small report from the government.
Example is,